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Remember my human mummy has that Shakespeare quote etched on glass? And, remember how I took the opportunity when it served last September?
Well, I did it again.
This time, there was a big stick of butter on the kitchen counter. I have a great nose and when my human mummy's back was turned, quick as the Karelain Bear Dog that I am, I jumped up, snagged the butter and bolted! I was licking my lips by the time she found me.
Since my brothers and sisters are hunting bears, what's the big deal with a little butter?
The above PBS segment features Henry’s family.
Unfortunately, I've been banned from the kitchen. She had her, "You’re in trouble voice” as she explained that after the garbage can incident 1 and now this with the butter: she's justified in her banishment of me in the kitchen.
Totally worth it! Take the current when it serves!
Which I may or may not have done.