Last summer,1 I gave away free copies of Paperdolls & Cowboy Boots to any of our subscribers who shared a story of a random act of kindness they’d done. Since I started this weekly section, I’ve been reaching out to many of them to see if they would allow me to share their kind gestures. Thank for for granting me permission, to so many!
Here is one of the first that gave me the go-ahead:
I live in a college town. A young man was at the grocery store with his cart filled. When he got to the check-out, his card was declined. He turned bright red. Quickly, I walked up, tapped my card on the reader, then said to him, "Pay it forward one day."
He blinked back tears. He wanted my address so he could bring me money next week. I refused. I told him to enjoy his week, study hard, and when the opportunity presents itself, to do the same for someone else.
Everyday Acts of Kinds is a section of Paperdolls.Today. If you wish to subscribe or unsubscribe from any of the sections, please follow Substack’s Instructions.