Happy One Year Anniversary
All subscribers are eligible for a free copy of Paperdolls & Cowboy Boots
This is the very first post I sent out:
That first post shows a picture of the poem I had etched on glass. It is still prominently displayed in my home:
God within me God without
How shall I ever be in doubt?
There is no place where I may go
And not there see Gods face not know
I am Gods vision and Gods ears
So through the harvest of my years
I am the sower and the sown
Gods self unfolding and Gods1 own.
--1050 AD
This poem resonates deeply with me because I believe there is a reverence and a sacredness to life....God's self unfolding and God's own. In honor of this poem and the anniversary of one year on substack, I'd like to offer you a free copy of Paperdolls & Cowboy Boots 2
There is a condition! To be eligible,please do one random act of kindness. That's it. Basically be nice and tell me about it!3
Some examples of the things you could try include:
saying thank you to someone for something they have done for you
asking friends, family or colleagues how they are and really listening to their answer
spending time with friends or relatives who need support or company
offering to help someone you know with DIY or a work project
volunteering in your community, such as helping at a school, hospital or care home4
There is extensive research proving that giving to others, helps increase one's own mental well being. If you do something for someone else, you help yourself.
All subscribers on this substack are eligible to get a free copy of Paperdolls & Cowboy Boots.
August 19, 2024: This offer expired at Midnight MST.
So that's it. You just have to do a random act of kindness and tell me what you did. You will soon receive your free copy of Paperdolls & Cowboy Boots.
Happy 1 year anniversary to all of us!
This offer will close at midnight on Sunday, August 18, 2024
The original poem does not have an apostrophe. I don't know if the writer did that intentionally or if it is an indication of the poetโs belief in more than one God.
For my birthday, I offered a free copy to paid subscribers. I forgot to ask for a few dollars to cover the shipping. After all the free books were sent out, the shipping was a few hundred dollars. This time, if you could cover the shipping, it would be greatly appreciated.