Last summer, I engaged in a rather robust online exchange with a guy who adamantly believed that sexual abuse victims can only heal if the perpetrator is brought to justice and put in prison. His stance was unbending, rigid, dogmatic, and he believed that he was utterly and completely right: Prison for the perpetrator is the only way a victim can heal from the horrors of sexual abuse.
I disagreed with this stance on many levels.
I believe that anyone who is still alive is a survivor. Not a victim. Generally speaking, victims are the ones that are currently being abused or were killed during the assault.
I've healed, and most of my perps have not been brought to justice. This dogmatic opinion was mute.
It's important for assailants to be caught and suffer the consequences of their actions. The reality is that many, far too many, get away with their crimes. Regardless, victims and survivors can heal.
Survivors of sexual assault can recover and heal. The healing process is painful. The entire horrific ordeal is not fair, but so worth it.
To state that the only way one can heal from the abuse they suffered is absolute rubbish. I know a woman who was sexually abused when she was 5 years old. Her perpetrator was caught, convicted and spent years in prison. This woman is still in immense pain.
There is no question how important it was to get this scum off the streets and stop abusing other children.1 However, simply getting him convicted and "justice served" wasn't enough for this little girl to heal.