Kacie Woody would have been 35 today
Hopefully, my words will etch her memory into the hearts of an untold number of souls forever
Written and sent 10 years after Kacie's tragic death1:
Dear Mr. Woody,
For over ten years, I have thought of your beautiful daughter, Kacie, every single day. I have hesitated to contact you because I wasn't sure how you would receive this message. Please know that words cannot adequately convey my deepest sympathy.
My childhood home was directly across the street from the monster who took your angel, Kacie, from this earth. This same monster sexually abused me when I was a little girl. He was several years older than I, but the damage he in-flicted upon me during his teenage years was substantial. I have survived, and in many ways thrived.
Over twenty years ago, I wrote a book about surviving my abuse. My message was to warn others that there are predators of children at large and to send a message of hope to other survivors, like me.
My grief has been tangible regarding Kacie. In some small way, I wish to honor Kacie and her life.
It has been over 20 years since our book Paperdolls was published. An updated edition will be released. My co-author and I have both written more about the major events that have happened during the last two decades. I have written a great deal about Kacie and the tragic circumstances of her death, particularly my feelings of despair and my unabated longing that I could have done more to protect her and to prevent her tragic departure.
In short, not enough people believed me; or, those who mattered the most, and could have possibly done something to stop him, did not believe me. Words simply cannot express the depth of my sorrow.
I have intentionally written under a pseudonym because I wish to maintain a relatively normal life unencumbered by the shroud of sexual abuse. This is something I cherish and have been able to enjoy for the majority of my adult life. If you wish to connect with me further, please feel free to do so. If you do not wish to hear from me or anyone in Utah, with even a remote tie to that monster who took Kacie away, I understand.
I extend to you my deepest sympathy and love. I long that Kacie's beautiful life, cut so very short, will be remembered. Hopefully, my words will etch her memory into the hearts of an untold number of souls forever.
April Daniels
See Paperdolls & CowBoy Boots, page 288
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You made me aware of the tragedy that befell Kacie, and I have felt sorrow for her family and honored her ever since. When, oh WHEN will our society pay attention to what children report?