Once upon a time (last Friday night), we were all getting ready for bed. I was nestled in my pillow with ample view to witness Henry and his romper room antics. Our human mummy let Henry out to do his business before night-nite. She walked to the back door to let him back in…
With uncanny athletic ability and will, Henry zipped in twisting his body at each door way in order to have a wide clearance for…..
A huge tree branch!

The branch had broken in a snow storm and Henry had been playing with it outside. For some unknown reason, only to the Karelian Bear Dog that he is, he wanted to bring this very large tree branch inside—my guess is to cuddle with in the night.
Our mom has quick reactions, she was able to snag one end of the branch as Henry tried to leap on the bed. She carefully hauled it back outside. Disaster averted. In the morning, she wanted to let our dear friend (the one who got on the tube with Henry last summer) know about the incident.
This is what she texted to our dear, adventuresome, doggie friend:
April (Human mummy):
I just want to let you know that I have boundaries! Henry got a huge…We are talking huge tree branch that the snow broke a couple of weeks ago.He’s been gnawing on it outside.
Last night he tried to bring it in. He made it all the way to the bedroom (very clever tilting to get thru doorways) tried to leap on the bed. I caught the tree (aka branch) and pulled it from his very solid jaws. And tossed it outside.
No dead trees in the bed!!! Boundaries!
Shortly thereafter, we received this response back from our advocate:
Advocate Friend:
Little known fact: I moonlight as a canine attorney. I am currently being held in retainer by Mr Henry (side note- Olaf pays my invoices). I am fully aware of this activity and consider this an official response by my client:LUMBER
Please return it to my client.
R H Barrister Esq.JD
Our human mummy still laughs when she reads his response. By the way, she did give the branch back to Henry, but it remains outside.
With love,
Olaf, the supervisor and definitely in charge.