A dear friend was reading through her journals and noticed she had the same resentment for a couple of her siblings that she'd had for years. By writing about it, the feelings didn't dissipate. The negative stuff was just always there, every time she thought about them. It was just angst and anger. She said it was like a rock in her heart.
Last summer, she decided to get more active in releasing those feelings. She knew that her siblings would never change and she could never understand how rigid and afraid they were of growth and truth. She realized that she was tired of carrying around her negative feelings about them.
Instead of writing about all the weird stuff they did, she started writing about how she was releasing each one from her heart and mind. Her goal was to be able to think of them and not feel a thing. Not resentment. Not love. Not much.
It took a long time, but not as long as she'd been carrying it around.