Medieval help-desk (English and Norwegian versions included)
Sometimes you just gotta laugh!
Humor helps. Each week you’ll receive a short snippet that will hopefully make you laugh and lighten your load. If you wish to unsubscribe/unsubscribe to any sections on Paperdolls.Today, please follow Substack’s instructions.
Change is challenging. However, sometimes we could be a bit more open and flexible to innovation and change. This is not picking on anyone! We’ve all been there! Sometimes you just gotta laugh—especially at ourselves.
This video was originally published by a Norwegian firm (NRK). It’s a hilarious depiction about helping Medieval customers/users learn how to transition to reading a book with pages to flip: in book format rather than a scroll I laughed all the way through it. Yes, there are times, I could be the guy afraid to do anything for fear of breaking it!
Here is the English version:
I’m partial to the original Norwegian version, although it has English subtitles, I think it’s hilarious:
Have fun and enjoy! Know we aren’t making fun of anyone, we’ve all been there!